EDMODO: Managing Your Classroom Online

Today, I'm back with a new kind of platform: EDMODO!

We, as teachers, are living in a technologically advanced era and this era requires us to keep up with all the novelties. Therefore, I wanted to introduce one of the learning management systems that I have been familiar with since I started studying at University.

Main Page of Edmodo for Teachers

It's an application that users can sign in as a student or teacher when they first begin to use it. Once you enroll as a teacher, the application gives you an entry code with which you can invite your students to enter the classroom and reach everything about the lesson there.

Main Page of Edmodo for Students
As a learning management system that helps teachers manage their class, Edmodo enables teachers to communicate with students and their parents, upload materials, assign homework or exams with a certain due date and both grade them and comment on them, see all their classes and many more on one single online platform. Therefore, it is a really helpful application for both teachers and students.

You can go and check the website by clicking the link:  EDMODO
