Teachers as Material Designers

Good teacher is the one who adapts continuously and creates his own material. Starting from this point of view, we work on creating materials not only for our own classrooms but for other classrooms in different parts of Turkey as well. And, we initiate our project with producing materials that promote meaningful learning with the help of technology. As a part of our course, we built on what the previous ELT students of our university and we created materials for what we call IUC e-certificate system, a system of enriched digital content for adult learners who are students of the School of Foreign Languages at Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa. In addition to this, with the help of others we turned it into an application to make the materials and resources prepared within the scope of IUC e-certificate system available to all learners. And I'm really proud to say that I am involved as an instructor and material designer, using h5p tools to create activities and tasks for learning and practicing English Language skills.
You can follow this link and download the application to use it: click here
