Musts for a Successful Education

Hello, it has been a long time and I'm back with a brand-new post about the educational experience about which you should know for a successful education, especially for remote education. There are four different presences that work together to create a successful educational experience.
The first of all is the social presence, and it is related to togetherness in a social context and being perceived as a person. Considering that students are social beings, social presence is a must for the education of which students are a part. This can be achieved in education by simply making students engage in activities that require them to work with others. For example, you can give them a task in which they will search for answers with the help of other students interacting with them.

Secondly, we can talk about transactional presence. Of course, being socially present is important. Yet, students still need to feel connected to others and this is the transactional presence which is about creating and sharing information. This kind of presence evolves when students create the information based on data from outside and share it with their peers instead of just passively listening. For example, you can want students to create a mind map about given information and make them present their own creations in front of the class.

The third presence is again about the learners and it's the cognitive presence of learners who constructs knowledge through sustained reflection or by connecting and exchanging information interactively. For example, you can make students achieve this presence by giving them the chance to work cooperatively, exchange ideas or information, and reflect on their own learning experiences.

The last presence is teaching presence and successful education is not only achieved with the presence of students but also with the presence of the teacher. A teacher designs the lesson and materials, presents new types of experience, and helps students when it is needed. Furthermore, she/he gives the information in a such way that students won't feel any cognitive load. And all these come together to make teaching presence.

All these types of presence are what makes the educational experience a whole and also what makes a successful education if it is taken into consideration!
